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পাঁচটি প্যারাগ্রাফ শিখে লেখা যাবে ১২৭টি প্যারাগ্রাফ।। Learn 5 paragraph write 127 paragraph ।। বন্ধু পাঠশালা


Learn 5 paragraph write 127 paragraph

আসসালামু আলাইকুম।

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা

অনেক সময় দেখা যায়, পরীক্ষার কমান কোন প্যারাগ্রাফ আসে নাই। সে ক্ষেত্রে প্যারাগ্রাফ লেখা প্রায় অসম্ভব হয়ে পড়ে। তাই যাতে এই সমস্যা না হয়, সেজন্য তোমাদের সাথে ৫টি প্যারাগ্রাফ নিয়ে আলোচনা করব। যা তোমরা মুখস্ত রাখলে ১২৭টি প্যারাগ্রাফের উত্তর করতে পারবে।

বি.দ্র: প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো শিখার আগে প্ৰথমে প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো লিখার নিয়মগুলো জেনে নি।

১) যে প্যারাগ্রাফটি লিখবেন [TOPIC ] স্থানে উক্ত প্যারাগ্রাফের নাম দিবেন।

২) ভাল নাম্বার আশা করতে চাইলে পারলে নিজ থেকে আরো বাড়িয়ে কিছু লিখতে চেস্টা করবেন।

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ যত প্রবলেম সম্পর্কিত প্যারাগ্রাফ আছে ।

1. Copying in the examination

2. Environment Pollution
3. Air pollution
4. Terrorism in the campus
5. Terrorism 
6. Black marketing
7. Unadult marriage
8. Traffic jam

10. Hartal day
11. Road accident
12. Drug addiction
13. Dangerous of smoking 
14. Arsenic Pollution
15. Brain-drain
16. Gambling 

17. Dacoity
18. Anarchy 
19. Bribery
20. Black money
21. Child labour 
22. Deforestation
27. Women and child trafficking /torturing
28. Toll-extortion 
29. Population problem
30. Conspiracy

23. Acid throwing 

24. Superstition

25. Corruption

26. Political chaos

[TOPIC] is a great and harmful problem. It is not only a common matter for our own country but also for the other countries too. [TOPIC] destroying our social peach and happiness. Day by day it is going out of our control which is very alarming. Keeping this problem we can not imagine our peace and happy life. Though→ [TOPIC] is very tough to remove this problem totally from the society but we have to try at any cost. Without removing this acute problem people can't get relief. Everybody wants a good solution for this problem. Beside govt. should come forward to overcome this problem. The law forces agencies should arrest them who are creating this kind of problem. [TOPIC] is possible to remove by creating public awareness. So we should be more active to get better solution.

==================Bondhu Pathshala====================

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ

1. Bravity

2.Value of time
9.Glorious mind
21.Good manner
39.Moral courage
41.Common sense

[TOPIC] is the most valuable and powerful element of our success in life. It enriches self- confidence of our running life. If we want to reach of our aim we must attain such quality. It is need to have for mental faculty. [TOPIC] can bring out reward for human beings. It is important to have [TOPIC] to retain the existence of human beings. Without [TOPIC] anybody can not achieve anything great and glorious. A man can lose his prestigious life for its absence. Most of the greatest persons have gained success by it. [TOPIC] is a kind of knowledge which thing no training can teach. [TOPIC] broadens our outlook. Therefore we should have this quality at any cost.

==================Bondhu Pathshala====================

ঐতিহাসিক দিনগুলোর প্যারাগ্রাফ
1) The 16th December. 
2) The 26th March.
3) The Victory Day. 
4) The Independence Day.
5) The 21st February. 
6) International Mother Language Day.
7) The Shaheed Day

[Topic]Give a red answer in the history of Bangladesh. The day is properly observed. National flags are hoisted at all important office buildings, institutions and shops. All the important places are nicely decorated. Many cultural events are held to celebrate the day. A number of meetings, seminars and symposiums were held to mark the significance of the day. As it is an important day, various indoor and outdoor games and sports are held in different parts of the country. People all over the country prayed for the liberation of the disembodied souls of the martyrs. The day has a long history. The day has a huge significance. The significance of the day is beyond description. The day reminds us of the supreme sacrifice of our martyrs. It inspires us to sacrifice our interests for our country. It inspires us to develop the quality of patriotism.

==================Bondhu Pathshala====================

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ

1. Dish Antenna
2. Satellite
3. Mobile Phone 
4. Cellular Phone
5. Internet
6. Computer
7. E-mail/Fax
8. Electricity
9. Credit Card
10. Money Gram 
11. Aeroplane

We live in the age of science and technology. With the help of science and technology we have invented many wonderful things. 
[TOPIC] is one of them. It is the blessing of science for the world. Today we can enjoy various objectives of the world through [TOPIC]. It brought the remotest places of the world on hand. It has some exceptional power. We should use this technology properly. We can widen our knowledge by it in different fields. [TOPIC] gives us lot of opportunities and it mainly influence more on young generation. As every things has its both negative and positive side so [TOPIC] has also two sides and we should use only positive sides which provide us useful knowledg.

==================Bondhu Pathshala====================

সামাজিক সমস্যা গুলোর প্যারাগ্রাফ

01. Dengue Fever
02. Acid Throwing/Rain
03. Drug Addiction 
04. Danger of Smoking 
05. Environment Pollution
06. Air / Water Pollution
07. Sound Pollution
08. Arsenic Contamination 
09. Loud Speaker
10. Mosquito Menace 
11. Campus Violence 
12. Black Money
13. Street Quarrel
14. Poverty/Begging
15. Political Crisis/Anarchy
16. Deforestation 
17. Price Spiral
18. Computer Virus
19. Robbery
20. Bribery 
21. Rape
22. Natural Disaster
23. A Hartal Day
24. Load Shedding
25. Corruption
26. Terrorism
27. Hijacking 
28. Literacy
29. Traffic Jam 
30. Might is Right 
31. Dowry System 
32. Greenhouse Effect

[Topic] A great problem. Our lives are full of different problems. Moreover, we have to face various problems on a daily basis. [Topic] One of them. This is a regular problem in our daily lives. It is published daily in newspapers. Truly this is a thinking problem in our society. Currently it is rapidly getting out of control. [Topic] Creates many more problems. We can never think of our normal life because of this. It hinders our lives, above all development and progress. People are suffering unceasingly because of this. In modern times [Topic] is considered as the curse of our country. Because it destroys the standard of living and destroys the peace and happiness of the common man. However, this situation should not last long. Men want to get rid of it  [Topic]. This problem should be controlled as soon as possible because it leads to our destruction. First of all, the views of the people and their concerns must be taken into account. To this end, all types of people in our country need to be vigilant and the government must take effective steps to eradicate their problems from society. In addition, law enforcement must be proactive and sincere in addressing these concerns. We have to listen to the mind which give any benefit to us, society or nation. Rather it takes away a lot of things. So, at any cost we have to uproot it from the society for our own betterment.

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